Smart Card Readers/Writers
Smart Card Readers/Writers
Identify Systems offers a wide variety of contact, contactless and mobile smart card readers that can be used for both physical and logical access.

Contact Smart Card Readers / Writers
We offer a large selection of contact smart card readers that are utilized around the world to enable security and identification, transaction, e-health, e-government and many other applications.
Contactless Smart Card Readers / Writers
Contactless smart card reader/writer powers a wide variety of NFC and contactless applications. We offer a large selection of contactless smart card readers for end-user environments where virtually all kinds of contactless credentials are used, even in mixed card populations.

Mobile Smart Card Readers
Whether you are traveling for work, or on vacation, you may need to access your organization’s network with your assigned smart card. At Identify Systems we offer a wide range of mobile smart card readers that are durable, lightweight and compact to carry in your briefcase, purse or backpack.
Biometric Readers
With the ability to read fingerprints—the Biometric Reader is ideal for healthcare, finance, government and other sectors where multi-factor authentication is crucial to security and privacy. It’s also the perfect all-in-one solution to support mobile credentials and 125/132 kHz proximity or 13.56 MHz smart cards in addition to biometrics.